miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016


 Thanksgiving Day     

Pre-watching exercises:
0) Find the words:

1) Order the sentences to learn some important facts about Thanksgiving Day:
1. is / Thanksgiving Day / in the United States / a national holiday / celebrated /.
2. celebrated / thanks / It / was / to give / originally / for the harvest.
3. celebrated / on the fourth / Thanksgiving / of November / is / Thursday.
4. and sharing a meal / Thanksgiving  / with family and friends / centers / on cooking / celebration / . 
5. eat / on Thanksgiving / Nearly  / 90 percent of Americans /  turkey.

2) Watch the video and answer the questions:
1. When did the Pilgrims arrive in USA?
2. What was the name of the ship?
3. Where did the Pilgrims come from?
4. Where did they settle?
5. What season were they in?
6. Did any native American speak English?
7. Who helped the settlers?
8. What did they celebrate at the end of the season?

3) What would you eat in a Thanksgiving dinner?
I would eat...

4) What are you thankful for?

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016


- Reported Speech Theory

When do we use reported speech? 
Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example "I'm going to the cinema tonight". Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the first person said.

reported speech

Estilo directo (Direct Speech)
Estilo indirecto (Reported speech)
Presente simple
I enjoy reading comics.
Presente continuo
She´s washing the dishes.
Pasado simple
I worked for an art gallery.
Pasado continuo
He was making dinner.
Presente perfecto
We have watched all those films.
I´ll post those letters.
I can´t wait any longer.
I must take that train.
She may lend me some money.
Pasado simple
He said he enjoyed reading comics
Pasado continuo
He said she was washing the dishes.
Pasado perfecto
He said he had worked for an art gallery.
Pasado perfecto continuo
He said he had been making dinner.
Pasado perfecto
He said they had watched all those films.
Condicional simple (would)
He said he would post those letters.
He said he couldn´t wait any longer.
Had to
He said he had to take that train.
He said she might lend him some money.

Estilo directo (Direct Speech)
Estilo indirecto (Reported speech)
Pronombres personales y objeto
“I don´t know you”
“We are late”

She said she didn´t know me.
He said they were late.
“That´s not my book”

He said that wasn´t his book.
Adverbios y expresiones de tiempo
Next week
Last week
This week

the next day / the following day
that day
the day before / the previous day
the following week
the week before, the previous week
then / at that moment
that week

exercise 1: statements

Reporting questions
Preguntas en estilo indirecto: al pasar de estilo directo a indirecto las preguntas tienen el orden sujeto + verbo. Hay que diferenciar entre dos tipos de preguntas:
- Wh- questions Preguntas con palabra interrogativa (what, who, where, etc.):
He asked: “Where are you?” - He asked me where I was.
exercise 4: Wh- questions (intermediate)

- Yes/ No questions Preguntas cuya respuesta es sí o no (sin palabra interrogativa, Yes/No questions).
She asked: “are you ok?” - She asked me if / whether I was ok.

exercise 5: yes / no questions (intermediate)